How to Be Capable of a Career Change

Written by Chris Cordaro

Throughout university, I always had some sort of idea of the profession that I wanted to enter into. However, now that I’ve started working full-time in the industry, I am getting cold feet. 

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I am not alone though, with studies suggesting that the average adult will change careers between 4 and 7 times in their life. However, Forbes has speculated that this number is likely to rise for us millennial workers to 15 to 20 jobs or even more! 

As the media industry is still evolving with emerging technologies, it is paramount for those entering or even attempting to change within the industry to prepare themselves for what is ahead of them. 

So, if you fall into the same boat as me and are wondering what the hell to do, I’ve included the 3 questions I’ve asked myself when deciding on making the scary leap of faith. 

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What do you like generally?

Now I know you’ve heard this before, but it’s paramount to figure out what actually interests you. I am not saying what you like in the sense of a career, but the things that you find enjoyable and interesting in everyday life. 

Personally, I’ve always had an interest in new technologies from a young age but have found myself in a career which is a bit outside this interest. I think this could be a major reason why I am getting cold feet.

A recent study shows that happiness led to a 12% spike in productivity, while unhappy workers proved 10% less productive. Remarkably it also turns out that research further suggests that the brain actually works significantly better when you’re feeling positive. Who knew, right?

This highlights the importance of considering your interests outside the classroom as, at the end of the day, this will make working full-time that little bit more enjoyable. 

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What do you like and dislike at your current employer? 

If you are attempting to move into a new role, I would urge you to consider what exactly you like and dislike about your current employer. This will help shape the next job you are looking for whilst also working out where you might not want to work. 

What interests you about your current role? Do you like one side of the job and not the other? 

These are just two examples of questions that you may want to ask yourself when you start searching for your next job or consider a career move. We spend one-third (or more) of our days at work and having an understanding what your likes and dislikes are from your previous working experiences will help you be able to start narrowing down the pathway that is right for you. 

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How do your studies link with your two interests?

The biggest question of them all is how does all this link to my university studies and is their industry opportunities for my interests? 

I found that the biggest thing is not to confine yourself to the roles that are currently available and to think bigger! Look at companies that share your interests and if there are any possible avenues that fit within your studies. 

This is your long term goal, and all you need to work out is the steps to get there. 

The University of Newcastle state that employers look for key experiences and personal attributes as an indicator that you are work-ready and will thrive in their organisation. 

So, if you aren’t ready for the role of your dreams, think about how you can get there. What work experience would I need to fit the mould of this job?

Having a long term goal will help guide your next steps in the industry and will give yourself a plan on how you can grow in your professional life.

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What to take away.

The biggest thing to take away from all this is you need to work out what you are interested in outside the classroom to help guide your career choices. 

Figure out what you’ve learned from your current and previous work experiences and don’t be afraid of picking the wrong career initially, as we’ll most likely all be changing multiple times before we get to that dream job we want.

We are in an evolving industry and growing digital era in society. Don’t be afraid of change, as change is all around us and we need to learn how to adapt to it.